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미술(복식)      total:50
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
50 Folk Dress in Europe and Anatolia: Beliefs about Protection and Fertility Linda Welters November 1999
49 이슬람 건축 장식의 특징에 관한 연구 심복기, 유재득 December 2013
48 이슬람 예술에 표현된 패턴 특징 과 텍스타일디자인에의 활용 김희선 March 2004
47 터키 메블라나 복식 분석과 현대 패션디자인에의 응용에 관한 연구 이희현, 이명옥 September 2004
46 우리나라 포(袍)와 터키 Sultans’ 의 의례용 外衣 형태 비교 연구: 1400~1800년대를 중심으로 이상은, 김영란 March 2004
45 近東地域의 服飾硏究Ⅱ : 오스만 터어키(Osman Turkey) 복식을 中心으로 오춘자, 박길순 May 1994
44 Ancient Jewellery F. R. Işik Bingöl January 1999
43 The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations January 1999
42 Turkish Embroidery Gülseren Ramazanoglu October 1976
41 Turkish Designs Pepin Press April 2005
40 Antique Kilims of Anatolia Peter Davies March 2001
39 100Kilims: Masterpieces from Anatolia Yanni Petsopoulos October 1991
38 Ottoman Baroque: The Architectural Refashioning of Eighteenth-Century Istanbul Ünver Rustem February 2018
37 Masterpieces from the Department of Islamic Art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art Sheila Canby, Maryam D Ekhtiar November 2011
36 Portraits and Caftans of the Ottoman Sultans Nurhan Atasoy April 2013
35 Ottoman Empire in Miniatures Emel Esin January 1988
34 Palace of Gold and Light: Treasures from the Topkapi, Istanbul Palace Arts Foundation January 2001
33 Turquerie: An Eighteenth- Century European Fantasy Haydn Williams December 2014
32 The Topkapi Saray Museum: The Albums and Illustrated Manuscripts J. M. Filiz Cagman Zeren Tanindi Rogers January 1986
31 The Sultans of the Ottoman Empire Raşit Gündoğdu September 2017
30 The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750 James G. Harper June 2011
29 Turkish Miniatures: From the 13th to the 18th Century Richard Ettinghausen January 1965
28 이슬람: 고대 문명의 역사와 보물 Francesca Romana Romani / 이유경 옮김 February 2008
27 이슬람 미술 Jonathan Bloom, Sheila Blair 강주헌 옮김 May 1998
26 이슬람 미술 Robert Irwin / 황의갑 옮김 August 2005
25 이슬람 캘리그라피 이희숙 December 2014
24 이슬람문명 정수일 August 2002
23 The Sultan’s World: The Ottoman Orient in Renaissance Art Robert Born Michal Dziewuski Guido Messling July 2015
22 Empire of the Sultans: Ottoman Art from the Khalili Collection J. M. Rogers October 2000
21 이슬람의 보물:알사바 왕실 컬렉션 국립중앙박물관 June 2013
20 The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts: Thirteen Centuries of Glory From the Umayyads to the Ottomans Seracettin Şahin September 2009
19 Turkish Art Esin Atil(편집자) October 1980
18 Turkish Art and Architecture: From the Seljuks to the Ottomans Giovanni Curatola November 2010
17 Kingdoms of Ruin: The Art and Architectural Splendours of Ancient Turkey Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch June 2010
16 Icons and the Treasure of Korydalla M. Edip ÖZGÜR June 2012
15 Göreme: Open Air Museum Murat E. Gülyaz January 2002
14 Aphrodisias and Surrounding Areas Erdal Yazici May 2015
13 Aphrodisias Sebasteion Sevgi Gönül Hall Omer M. KOC January 2017
12 Sculptures of the Museum in Antalya M. Fdip Özgür January 2008
11 The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks Philipp Niewohner April 2017
10 Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture: Figural Motifs In Western Anatolia And The Aegean Islands Pamela A. Webb October 1996
9 히타이트: 점토판 속으로 사라졌 던 인류의 역사 이희철 June 2012
8 발굴과 해독 C. W. Ceram / 오흥식 옮김 November 1999
7 히타이트 Birgit Brandau / Hartmut Schickert / 장혜경 옮김 December 2002
6 Life and Society in the Hittite World Trevor Bryce September 2004
5 The Hittites: and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor J. G. Macqueen September 1996
4 The Legacy of Gaziantep to World Culture Nezih Basgelen January 1999
3 Gods Carved in Stone: The Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazilikaya Jürgen Seeher December 2011
2 Ancient Turkey Antonio Sagona, Paul Zimansky April 2009
1 The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia Sharon R. Steadman, Gregory McMahon March 2016