No. |
Title |
Author |
Publishing Date |
Full-text |
50 |
Folk Dress in Europe and Anatolia: Beliefs about Protection and Fertility |
Linda Welters |
November 1999 |
49 |
이슬람 건축 장식의 특징에 관한 연구 |
심복기, 유재득 |
December 2013 |
48 |
이슬람 예술에 표현된 패턴 특징 과 텍스타일디자인에의 활용 |
김희선 |
March 2004 |
47 |
터키 메블라나 복식 분석과 현대 패션디자인에의 응용에 관한 연구 |
이희현, 이명옥 |
September 2004 |
46 |
우리나라 포(袍)와 터키 Sultans’ 의 의례용 外衣 형태 비교 연구: 1400~1800년대를 중심으로 |
이상은, 김영란 |
March 2004 |
45 |
近東地域의 服飾硏究Ⅱ : 오스만 터어키(Osman Turkey) 복식을 中心으로 |
오춘자, 박길순 |
May 1994 |
44 |
Ancient Jewellery |
F. R. Işik Bingöl |
January 1999 |
43 |
The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations |
The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations |
January 1999 |
42 |
Turkish Embroidery |
Gülseren Ramazanoglu |
October 1976 |
41 |
Turkish Designs |
Pepin Press |
April 2005 |
40 |
Antique Kilims of Anatolia |
Peter Davies |
March 2001 |
39 |
100Kilims: Masterpieces from Anatolia |
Yanni Petsopoulos |
October 1991 |
38 |
Ottoman Baroque: The Architectural Refashioning of Eighteenth-Century Istanbul |
Ünver Rustem |
February 2018 |
37 |
Masterpieces from the Department of Islamic Art in The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
Sheila Canby, Maryam D Ekhtiar |
November 2011 |
36 |
Portraits and Caftans of the Ottoman Sultans |
Nurhan Atasoy |
April 2013 |
35 |
Ottoman Empire in Miniatures |
Emel Esin |
January 1988 |
34 |
Palace of Gold and Light: Treasures from the Topkapi, Istanbul |
Palace Arts Foundation |
January 2001 |
33 |
Turquerie: An Eighteenth- Century European Fantasy |
Haydn Williams |
December 2014 |
32 |
The Topkapi Saray Museum: The Albums and Illustrated Manuscripts |
J. M. Filiz Cagman Zeren Tanindi Rogers |
January 1986 |
31 |
The Sultans of the Ottoman Empire |
Raşit Gündoğdu |
September 2017 |
30 |
The Turk and Islam in the Western Eye, 1450-1750 |
James G. Harper |
June 2011 |
29 |
Turkish Miniatures: From the 13th to the 18th Century |
Richard Ettinghausen |
January 1965 |
28 |
이슬람: 고대 문명의 역사와 보물 |
Francesca Romana Romani / 이유경 옮김 |
February 2008 |
27 |
이슬람 미술 |
Jonathan Bloom, Sheila Blair 강주헌 옮김 |
May 1998 |
26 |
이슬람 미술 |
Robert Irwin / 황의갑 옮김 |
August 2005 |
25 |
이슬람 캘리그라피 |
이희숙 |
December 2014 |
24 |
이슬람문명 |
정수일 |
August 2002 |
23 |
The Sultan’s World: The Ottoman Orient in Renaissance Art |
Robert Born Michal Dziewuski Guido Messling |
July 2015 |
22 |
Empire of the Sultans: Ottoman Art from the Khalili Collection |
J. M. Rogers |
October 2000 |
21 |
이슬람의 보물:알사바 왕실 컬렉션 |
국립중앙박물관 |
June 2013 |
20 |
The Museum of Turkish and Islamic Arts: Thirteen Centuries of Glory From the Umayyads to the Ottomans |
Seracettin Şahin |
September 2009 |
19 |
Turkish Art |
Esin Atil(편집자) |
October 1980 |
18 |
Turkish Art and Architecture: From the Seljuks to the Ottomans |
Giovanni Curatola |
November 2010 |
17 |
Kingdoms of Ruin: The Art and Architectural Splendours of Ancient Turkey |
Jeremy Stafford-Deitsch |
June 2010 |
16 |
Icons and the Treasure of Korydalla |
M. Edip ÖZGÜR |
June 2012 |
15 |
Göreme: Open Air Museum |
Murat E. Gülyaz |
January 2002 |
14 |
Aphrodisias and Surrounding Areas |
Erdal Yazici |
May 2015 |
13 |
Aphrodisias Sebasteion Sevgi Gönül Hall |
Omer M. KOC |
January 2017 |
12 |
Sculptures of the Museum in Antalya |
M. Fdip Özgür |
January 2008 |
11 |
The Archaeology of Byzantine Anatolia: From the End of Late Antiquity until the Coming of the Turks |
Philipp Niewohner |
April 2017 |
10 |
Hellenistic Architectural Sculpture: Figural Motifs In Western Anatolia And The Aegean Islands |
Pamela A. Webb |
October 1996 |
9 |
히타이트: 점토판 속으로 사라졌 던 인류의 역사 |
이희철 |
June 2012 |
8 |
발굴과 해독 |
C. W. Ceram / 오흥식 옮김 |
November 1999 |
7 |
히타이트 |
Birgit Brandau / Hartmut Schickert / 장혜경 옮김 |
December 2002 |
6 |
Life and Society in the Hittite World |
Trevor Bryce |
September 2004 |
5 |
The Hittites: and Their Contemporaries in Asia Minor |
J. G. Macqueen |
September 1996 |
4 |
The Legacy of Gaziantep to World Culture |
Nezih Basgelen |
January 1999 |
3 |
Gods Carved in Stone: The Hittite Rock Sanctuary of Yazilikaya |
Jürgen Seeher |
December 2011 |
2 |
Ancient Turkey |
Antonio Sagona, Paul Zimansky |
April 2009 |
1 |
The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia |
Sharon R. Steadman, Gregory McMahon |
March 2016 |