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미술(복식)      total:60
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
60 Beyond the Oxus: Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Soviet Central Asia Edgar Knobloch March 1972
59 パルシア 美術史 深井晋司·田邊勝美 共著 January 1983
58 인도 세밀화 王鏞/ 이재연 옮김 July 2015
57 Perspectives on Persian Painting Barbara Brend November 2013
56 History of Art in Persia Georges Perrot, Charles Chipiez June 2017
55 렌투스 양식의 미술 上/下 권영필 February 2002
54 The Art and Architecture of Mesopotamia Giovanni Curatola, Jean-Daniel Forest, Nathalie Gallois, Carlo Lippolis April 2007
53 Mostly Miniatures: An Introduction to Persian Painting Oleg Grabar November 2000
52 Cultures in Contact: From Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the Second Millennium B.C. Joan Aruz, Sarah Graff, Yelena Rakic August 2013
51 The World of Achaemenid Persia: The Diversity of Ancient Iran John Curtis, St.John Simpson May 2010
50 Persian Art and Architecture Henri Stierlin November 2012
49 Caria and Crete in Antiquity: Cultural Interaction between Anatolia and the Aegean Naomi Carless Unwin August 2017
48 Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the Coming of Islam Robert G. Hoyland August 2001
47 Scythians: warriors of ancient Siberia St. John Simpson November 2017
46 The Seleucid Empire Charles River November 2016
45 The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D. T. Potts November 2015
44 Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History Trevor Bryce May 2014
43 The Land of Ionia: Society and Economy in the Archaic Period Alan M. Greaves March 2010
42 Bactria: The History of a Forgotten Empire Hugh George Rawlinson 2013
41 Persepolis And Its Surroundings Heidemarie Kokh 2015
40 Warriors of the Steppe: A Military History of Central Asia, 500 B.C. to 1700 A. D. Erik Hildinger November 2001
39 Everyday Life in Babylonia and Assyria H. W. F. Saggs September 1987
38 Ancient Persia and Iranian Civilization Clement Huart/ M. R. Dobie(번역자) 1996
37 The Persian Army 560–330 BC Nicholas Sekunda, Simon Chew September 1992
36 Masterpieces of Persian Painting Mohammad Ali Rajabi December 2005
35 Persia: An Archaeological Guide Sylvia A. Matheson June 1976
34 바지의 문화사 박춘순 October 1998
33 The Art of Iran AndréGodard/ Michael Heron(번역자) 2015
32 Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC Margaret C. Miller June 1997
31 Shahnameh : The Epic of the King Abolqasem Ferdowsi/ Reuben Lewy(번역자) 2014
30 세계민족복식 小川安朗 /조우현·박춘순 옮김 August 2010
29 The Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp: The Persian Book of Kings Abolqasem Ferdowsi/ Sheila Cnaby(번역자) April 2014
28 The Silk Road: A New History with Documents Valerie Hansen June 2016
27 Treasures from the Oxus: The Art and Civilization of Central Asia Massimo Vidale September 2017
26 The Cyrus Cylinder and Ancient Persia John Curtis July 2013
25 Splendors of Ancient Persia Henri Stierlin December 2006
24 실크로드와 한국문화 최광식 June 2013
23 페르시아 신화 편집부 편역 July 1995
22 Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian & Persian Costume Mary G. Houston November 2011
21 문명의 루트, 실크로드 정수일 April 2002
20 The Authoritative Guide to Naqsh-e- Rostam A. Shapur Shahbazi December 2015
19 The Authoritative Guide to Persepolis A. Shapur Shahbazi 2004
18 Persepolis Ali Reza Nazmjoo 2006
17 Forgotten Empire: The World of Ancient Persia John Curtis, Nigel Tallis November 2005
16 Ancient Nubia: African Kingdoms on the Nile Chester Higgins Jr., Zahi Hawass September 2012
15 20,000 Years of Fashion François Boucher September 1987
14 황금의 제국 페르시아 국립중앙박물관 April 2008
13 실크로드 미술 권영필 February 1997
12 Persian Art in the Collection of the Museum of Oriental Art S. Maslenitsyna December 1975
11 Israel under Babylon and Persia Peter R. Ackroyd July 1975
10 반주류 실크로드사 김영종 July 2004
9 The History of Central Asia: The Age of the Silk Roads Christoph Baumer November 2014
8 The History of Central Asia: The Age of the Steppe Warriors Christoph Baumer December 2012
7 중앙아시아미술 국립중앙박물관 August 1986
6 History of Civilizations of Central Asia Janos Harmatta August 1994
5 The Persian Empire Amélie Kuhrt September 2007
4 페르시아 : 고대 문명의 역사와 보물 Anna Vanzan/ 송대범 옮김 February 2008
3 서양복식문화사 정흥숙 August 2014
2 Women in Ancient Persia (559-331 BC) Maria Brosius July 1998
1 Persia and the West John Boardman July 2000