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설화      total:60
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
60 Ancient knowledge, Ancient know-how, Ancient reasoning Harald Haarmann December 2013
59 Introducing the Mythological Crescent Harald Haarmann/ Joan Marler January 2009
58 Tales from the Land of the Sufi Mojdeh Bayat, Mohammad Ali October 2001
57 Types of the Folktale in the Arab World Hasan M. El-Shamy October 2004
56 The Islamic Context of The Thousand and One Nights Muhsin al-Musawi May 2009
55 A Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology Gwendolyn Leick 1998
54 Folksongs from the Mountains of Iran Erika Friedl December 2017
53 세계의 신화 전설 요시다 아츠히코 외/ 하선미 옮김 May 2010
52 Women in Ancient Persia (559-331 BC) Maria Brosius July 1998
51 Persian Life and Customs Samuel Graham Wilson January 2001
50 Primitive Mytology Joseph Campbell August 2000
49 The Power of Myth Joseph Campbell June 1991
48 Medieval Central Asia and the Persianate World A. C. S. Peacock/ D. G. Tor(편집자) November 2015
47 Early Islamic Mysticism: Sufi, Qur'an, Mi'raj, Poetic and Theological Writings Michael Anthony Sells January 1995
46 Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics Ali Rahnema June 2011
45 The Shahnameh Ferdowsi 2009
44 The Mythology of All Races Arthur Berriedale Keith Albert Joseph Carnoy September 2010
43 The Folktales and Storytellers of Tribal Iran Erika Friedl March 2014
42 Armenian and Iranian Studies James R. Russell March 2005
41 A Tale of Four Dervishes Mir Amman August 2007
40 Perceptions of Iran Ali M Ansari January 2014
39 Iranian Folk Narrative Juliet Radhayrapetian September 2016
38 Zoroastrische Studien F. H. H. Windischmann(편집자) May 2016
37 The Healing Gods of Ancient Civilizations Walter Addison Jayne May 2010
36 Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India and Iran David Shulman(편집자) December 2010
35 Iranian Mythology Albert J. Carnoy September 2004
34 Persian Mythology (INDO- EUROPEAN MYTHOLOGY Book 6) William G. Davey March 2009
33 Persia from the Earliest Period W. S. W. Vaux May 2016
32 An Anthology of Philosophy in Persia: From Zoroaster to Omar Khayyam S.H. Nasr/ M. Aminrazavi (편집자) February 2008
31 The Neolithisation of Iran R. Matthews/ H. F. Nashli (편집자) August 2014
30 Insurgent, Poet, Mystic, Sectarian Jason Bahbak Mohaghegh January 2016
29 The Uncommon Sense of the Immortal Mullah Nasruddin Ron J Suresh January 2011
28 Das Heldenbuch von Iran aus dem Schah Nameh des Firdussi Joseph von Görres October 2011
27 The Oral Background of Persian Epics Kumiko Yamamoto June 2003
26 Ancient Persia in Western History Sasan Samiei October 2014
25 The Persians: Lost Civilizations Geoffrey Parker, Brenda Parker December 2016
24 The Secret of Laughter Shusha Guppy June 2005
23 Rumi's Tales from the Silk Road Kamla K. Kapur October 2009
22 Persian Tales Kermani and Bakhtiari/ D. L. R. Lorimer, E. O. Lorimer(번역자)/ Hilda Roberts(삽화가) December 2009
21 Ancient Mythologies: India, Persia, Babylon, Egypt Charles Kovacs/ David Newbatt(삽화가) September 1999
20 Illustrated Poetry and Epic Images M. L. Swietochowski, Stefano Carboni April 1994
19 Poetics and Politics of Iran's National Epic, the Shahnameh M. Omidsalar November 2011
18 Four Important Sufi Teaching Poems Sana'i, Nizami, Shabistari, 'Arifi/ Paul Smith(번역자) April 2017
17 Faramarz, the Sistani Hero Marjolijn Van Zutphen September 2014
16 Folk Tales From Persia Azar Rabii April 2009
15 The Pimlico Dictionary of Classical Mythologies Arthur Cotterall January 2012
14 Thermopylai: Myth and Reality in 480 BC G. J. Szemler, W. J. Cherf, J. C. Kraft, G. J. Szemler 1996
13 An Index of Names in Persian Mythology William G. Davey February 2009
12 The Seven Wise Princesses: A Medieval Persian Epi Wafa' Tarnowska/ Nilesh Mistry(삽화가) September 2008
11 Alexander the Great in the Persian Tradition Haila Manteghi March 2018
10 The Thousand and One Nights J. Campbell/ D. Kudler(편집자)/ John Payne (번역자) December 2017
9 An Arabian Nights: An Encyclopedia Ulrich Marzolph/ Richard van Leeuwen August 2004
8 Persian Tales-Volume II: Bakhtiari Tales D. L. Lorimer/ Hilda Roberts(삽화가) August 2012
7 Persian Tales-Volume I: Kermani Tales D. L. Lorimer/ Hilda Roberts(삽화가) February 2016
6 Persian Mythology Don Nardo October 2012
5 My Iran: Memories, Mysteries & Myths Isaac Yomtovian/ Joon-Li Kim(편집자) June 2013
4 Persian Legends: A Book of One Hundred and One Stories Mehry M. Reid October 2011
3 Mythology of Persian Deities Sherwin Vakili June 2016
2 The Epic Mythology of Persian Kings: The Legend of Rostam Darius Maroufkhani June 2012
1 Original Magic: The Rituals and Initiations of the Persian Magi Stephen E. Flowers October 2017