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문학      total:60
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
60 Goethe and Hafiz Shafiq Shamel June 2013
59 Your Lover’s Beloved Hafiz/ M. Karimi-Hakak, B. Wolak (번역자) May 2009
58 The Persian Oracle: Hafiz of Shiraz Paul Smith(번역자) May 2014
57 The Triumphal Sun: A Study of the Work of J. Rumi Annemarie Schimmel July 1993
56 페르시아 소네트 신비의 혀 샴세딘 모함마드 허페즈 쉬러지/ 신규섭 역 October 2005
55 쿠쉬나메 이희수/ 다르유시 아크바르자데 January 2014
54 A Conversation With Modern Persian Poets Girdhari Tikku, Alireza Anushiravani July 2004
53 The World of Persian Literary Humanism Hamid Dabashi November 2012
52 Classical Persian Literature A. J. Arberry January 1995
51 Persian Literature and Judeo-Persian Culture H. E. Chehabi(편집자) November 2010
50 Persian Literature: Ancient and Modern Elizabeth A. Reed November 2016
49 Mawlana Rumi Review Leonard Lewisohn(편집자) December 2017
48 Mawlana Rumi Review Leonard Lewisohn(편집자) December 2016
47 The Arabian Epic: Heroic and Oral Story-telling (전 3권) M. C. Lyons July 2005
46 The Wine Goblet of Ḥāfeẓ Bahman Solati January 2017
45 Step by Step Up to Union With God Abd Al-husayn Zarrinkub/ M. Keyvani(번역자) June 2009
44 Sufis, Princesses & Dervishes, Martyrs & Feminists Rabi’a of Basra, Rabi’a of Balkh 외/ Paul Smith(번역자) August 2014
43 Seven Great Female Sufi Poets Rabi'a Basra, Mahsati, Jahan Khatun, ‘Aishah al-Ba'uniyah, Lalla Ded, Makhfi, Hayati/ Paul Smith(번역 August 2017
42 Nizami: Selected Poems Nizami/ Paul Smith(번역자) September 2012
41 The Book of Sadi Sadi‎/ Paul Smith(번역자) March 2015
40 Women in the Shahnameh Djalal Khaleghi Motlagh November 2012
39 The Life and Work of Jalaluddin Rumi Afzal Iqbal/ A. J. Arberry(번역자) July 1984
38 Love and Devotion: From Persia and Beyond Susan Scollay(편집자) December 2012
37 Politics, Poetry, and Sufism in Medieval Iran Chad G. Lingwood November 2013
36 Medieval Persian Court Poetry Julie Scott Meisami July 2014
35 The Wine of Wisdom: The Life, Poetry and Philosophy of Omar Khayyam Mehdi Aminrazavi April 2005
34 A Thousand Years of Persian Rubaiyat Reza Saberi January 2000
33 The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam Omar Khayyám/ Edward Fitzgerald(번역자) May 2015
32 Introductions to Hafiz of Shiraz: Views from The West Farhad Eslami(편집자) May 2014
31 Hafiz's Friend: Jahan Khatun: The Persian Princess Dervish Poet Paul Smith(번역자) May 2012
30 Hafiz: Life & Poems Paul Smith(번역자) May 2014
29 Hafiz: The Sun of Shiraz Paul Smith(번역자) December 2012
28 The Divan-i Hafiz Hafiz/ H. Wilberforce Clarke(번역자) September 1997
27 The Quartet of Great Sufi Master Poets 'Attar, Rumi, Sadi/ Hafiz Paul Smith(번역자) April 2016
26 Seven Persian Poets Albert Shansky May 2016
25 Literary Modernity between the Middle East and Europe Kamran Rastegar November 2007
24 As Through a Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam Annemarie Schimmel July 2001
23 Rumi’s World: The Life and Work of the Great Sufi Poet Annemarie Schimmel May 2001
22 Faces of Love: Hafez and the Poets of Shiraz Hafez, Jahan Malek Khatun, Obayd-e Zakani August 2013
21 Shiraz in the Age of Hafez: The Glory of a Medieval Persian City J. Limbert June 2004
20 Hafez of Shiraz. Book 3: The Late Years Paul Smith July 2014
19 Hafez of Shiraz. Book 2: The Middle Years Paul Smith July 2014
18 Hafez of Shiraz. Book 1: The Early Years Paul Smith July 2014
17 Hafiz, Master of Persian Poetry: A Critical Bibliography Parvin Loloi March 2004
16 Rumi: Past and Present, East and West Franklin D. Lewis November 2007
15 Anthology of Islamic Literature James Kritzeck(편집자) October 1975
14 Theory of Profane Love Among the Arabs Lois Anita Giffen January 1971
13 Intoxication, Earthly and Heavenly: Seven Studies on the Poet Hafiz of Shiraz M. Glünz, J. Ch. Bürgel(편집자) September 1991
12 Persian Sufi Poetry J. T. P. de Bruijn April 1997
11 A Literary History of Persia E. G. Browne June 1997
10 The Collected Lyrics of Hafiz of Shiraz Hafiz/ Peter Avery(번역자) May 2007
9 샤나메 아볼 카셈 피르다우시 헬렌 짐머른 영역/ 부희령 옮김 July 2014
8 Hafez: Translations and Interpretations of the Ghazals Hafez/ Geoffrey Squires(번역자) March 2014
7 Hafiz, Drunk with God: Selected Odes Hafiz/ Khalid Hameed Shaida MD (번역자) April 2010
6 The Philosophy of Ecstasy: Rumi and the Sufi Tradition Leonard Lewisohn(편집자) December 2014
5 The Legacy of Mediaeval Persian Sufism Leonard Lewisohn(편집자) December 1992
4 The Heritage of Sufism Leonard Lewisohn June 1999
3 Drunk on the Wine of the Beloved Hafiz/ Thomas Rain Crowe(번역자) August 2001
2 Hafiz and the Religion of Love in Classical Persian Poetry Leonard Lewisohn(편집자) May 2015
1 The Angels Knocking on the Tavern Door Hafez/ R. Bly, L. Lewisohn(번역자) March 2009