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설화      total:50
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
50 Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey Ahmet Kuru, Alfred Stepan(편집자) February 2016
49 A Companion to Folklore Regina F. Bendix, Galit Hasan-Rokem(편집자) August 2014
48 Turkish Myth and Muslim Symbol Carole Hillenbrand November 2007
47 Orientalism in Lord Byron’s ‘Turkish Tales’ Abdur Raheem Kidwai August 1995
46 The Art of the Turkish Tale Barbara K. Walker January 1993
45 Popular Turkish Love Lyrics and Folk Legends Talat Halman October 2009
44 Turkish Fairy Tales and Folk Tales Ignacz Kunos(편집자) R. Nisbet Bain(번역자) September 2010
43 The Book of Dede Korkut Faruk Sumer, Ahmet E. Uysal, Warren S. Walker(편집자 겸 번 역자) July 1991
42 The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire Leslie P. Peirce September 1993
41 In Search of God the Mother Lynn E. Roller July 1999
40 International Symposium on East Anatolia-South Caucasus Cultures Birol Can, Mehmet Isikli (저자 겸 편집자) March 2015
39 Exploring Turkish Cultures Laurence Raw December 2010
38 The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650 Colin Imber January 2003
37 Between Two Worlds: The Construction of the Ottman State Cemal Kafadar November 1996
36 The Turks Erol I. Yorulmazoglu July 2017
35 Global Interests: Renaissance Art between East & West Lisa Jardine, Jerry Brotton August 2000
34 Byzantium between the Ottomans and the Latins Nevra Necipoglu April 2009
33 Holistic Islam: Sufism, Transformation, and the Needs of Our Time Kabir Helminski September 2017
32 The Age of Beloveds Walter G. Andrews / Mehmet Kalpakli January 2005
31 From Shamanism to Sufism 『샤머니즘에서 수피즘까지』 Razia Sultanova / 박일우 옮김 March 2014
30 루미평전: 나는 바람, 그대는 불 Annemarie Schimmel / 김순현 옮김 January 2014
29 루미시초 Rumi / 이현주 옮김 September 2014
28 루미의 우화 모음집 Rumi 지음 / 아서 숄리 엮음/ 이현주 옮김 March 2010
27 루미 수피즘의 영원한 스승 Cihan Okuyucu / 나정원 옮김 March 2014
26 수피즘 신의 유혹 신은희 December 2016
25 The Ecstatic Poetic Tradition D. J. Moores May 2014
24 Reading Jalal al-Din Rumi through Deconstruction Mohsen Ghasemi June 2016
23 Wine of Reunion Rumi Nesreen Akhtarkhavari, Anthony A. Lee(번역자) October 2017
22 Rumi: Gazing at the Beloved Will Johnson May 2003
21 The Life and Work of Jalaluddin Rumi Afzal Iqbal October 1999
20 Rumi and Islam Rumi Ibrahim Gamard(번역자) February 2004
19 Three Mystics Walk into a Tavern James C. Harrington / Sidney G. Hall III February 2015
18 Rumi and the Whirling Dervishes Shems Friedlander May 2003
17 Warriors of Love: Rumi’s Odes to Shams of Tabriz Rumi James Cowan September 2017
16 The Book of Rumi: 105 Stories and Fables that Illumine, Delight, and Inform Rumi / Maryam Mafi(번역자) November 2018
15 Masnawi: In Farsi with English Translation 1-6 Rumi / Reynold A. Nicholson(번역자) May 2017
14 The Sufi Doctrine of Rumi William C. Chittick June 2005
13 Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi’s Forgotten Message Shems Friedlander May 2017
12 Rumi Soul Fury: Rumi and Shams Tabriz on Friendship Coleman Barks October 2014
11 Rumi’s Sun: The Teachings of Shams of Tabriz Shams of Tabriz Refik Algan, Camille A. Helminski (번역자) August 2017
10 Rumi A Philosophical Study Gholamreza Aavani October 2016
9 The Essence of Rumi John Baldock May 2017
8 Me and Rumi: The Autobiography of Shams-I Tabrizi Shams-i Tabrizi William C. Chittick(번역자) September 2004
7 Ninety-Nine Names of the Beloved: Intimations of the Beauty and Power of the Divine Camille H. A. Helminski November 2017
6 Rumi’s Secret: The Life of the Sufi Poet of Love Brad Gooch January 2017
5 Radical Love: Teachings from the Islamic Mystical Tradition Omid Safi(편집자) May 2018
4 Islamic Mystical Poetry: Sufi Verse from the Early Mystics to Rumi Mahmood Jamal (편집자 겸 번역가) January 2010
3 Rumi With A View To Other Persian Mystic Poets Shahin Motallebi (저자 겸 번역가) October 2012
2 Rumi: Poet and Mystic Reynold A. Nicholson June 1995
1 Rumi: Bridge to the Soul Coleman Barks September 2007