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역사      total:60
No. Title Author Publishing Date Full-text
60 The Iran Wars: Spy Games, Bank Battles, and the Secret Deals That Reshaped the Middle East Jay Solomon August 2016
59 Iran Without Borders: Towards a Critique of the Postcolonial Nation Hamid Dabashi August 2016
58 Democracy in Iran: Why It Failed and How It Might Succeed Misagh Parsa November 2016
57 A Social Revolution: Politics and the Welfare State in Iran Kevan Harris August 2017
56 The Persians: Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Iran Homa Katouzian November 2010
55 Iran: A Modern History Abbas Amanat October 2017
54 Iran’s influence: A Religious-Political State and Society in its Region Elaheh Rostami-Povey August 2010
53 Iran's Political Economy since the Revolution Suzanne Maloney August 2015
52 Superstition as Ideology in Iranian Politics: From Majlesi to Ahmadinejad Ali Rahnema June 2011
51 Iran: What Everyone Needs to Know Michael Axworthy January 2017
50 Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic Michael Axworthy September 2013
49 The Fall of Heaven: The Pahlavis and the Final Days of Imperial Iran Andrew Scott Cooper August 2016
48 Iran and the Rise of the Reza Shah: From Qajar Collapse to Pahlavi Power Cyrus Ghani January 2001
47 A History of Modern Iran Ervand Abrahamian July 2008
46 British Imperialism in Qajar Iran: Consuls, Agents and Influence in the Middle East H. Lyman Stebbins April 2017
45 A History of Slavery and Emancipation in Iran, 1800- 1929 Behnaz A. Mirzai May 2017
44 Religion and Society in Qajar Iran Robert Gleave(편집자) December 2009
43 The Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant Michael Axworthy March 2009
42 Safavid Iran: Rebirth of a Persian Empire Andrew J. Newman December 2008
41 New Perspectives on Safavid Iran: Empire and Society Colin P. Mitchell(편집자) March 2014
40 Iran in World History Richard Foltz December 2015
39 A History of Iran: Empire of the Mind Michael Axworthy May 2016
38 Iran at War: 1500-1988 Kaveh Farrokh May 2011
37 Immortal: A Military History of Iran and Its Armed Forces Steven R. Ward January 2014
36 Medieval Persia 1040-1797 David Morgan July 2015
35 Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire: The Sasanian-Parthian Confederacy and the Arab Conquest of Iran Parvaneh Pourshariati March 2017
34 The Armies of Ancient Persia: The Sassanians Kaveh Farrokh October 2017
33 Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire Touraj Daryaee April 2013
32 Sasanian Persia: Between Rome and the Steppes of Eurasia Eberhard W. Sauer(편집자) August 2017
31 Arsacids and Sasanians: Political Ideology in Post- Hellenistic and Late Antique Persia M. Rahim Shayegan October 2011
30 Imperial Matter: Ancient Persia and the Archæology of Empire Lori Khatchadourian March 2016
29 The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part ⅡAD 363-630: A Narrative Sourcebook Geoffrey Greatrex/ Samuel N. C. Lieu(편집자) March 2002
28 The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars AD 226- 363: A Documentary History Michael H. Dodgeon/ Samuel N. C. Lieu(편집자) December 1993
27 Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity: Neighbours and Rivals Beate Dignas, Engelbert Winter October 2007
26 The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes: The Ancient World Economy and the Empires of Parthia, Central Asia and Han China Raoul McLaughlin November 2016
25 Rome, Parthia and India: The Violent Emergence of a New World Order 150-140 BC John D. Grainger December 2013
24 Cataphracts: Knights of the Ancient Eastern Empires Erich B. Anderson March 2017
23 Rome's Wars in Parthia: Blood in the Sand Rose Mary Sheldon January 2010
22 Darius in the Shadow of Alexander Pierre Briant/ Jane Marie Todd(번역자) January 2015
21 Xerxes: A Persian Life Richard Stoneman October 2015
20 The Palace of Darius at Susa: The Great Royal Residence of Achaemenid Persia Jean Perrot(편집자) August 2013
19 Ancient Persia: A Concise History of the Achaemenid Empire, 550-330 BCE Matt Waters January 2014
18 The World of Achaemenid Persia: History, Art and Society in Iran and the Ancient Near East John Curtis/ St. John Simpson(편집자) May 2010
17 The Persian Empire: A Corpus of Sources from the Achaemenid Period Amélie Kuhrt September 2007
16 From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire Pierre Briant/ Peter Daniels(번역자) January 2002
15 이란사 김정위 편저 March 2001
14 이란 현대사 요시무라 신타로 장병옥 옮김 February 2012
13 이슬람 혁명의 아버지 호메이니 유달승 November 2009
12 이란의 역사: 이슬람의 유입에서 이슬람 혁명까지 유흥태 August 2008
11 로마제국 쇠망사2 에드워드 기번/ 송은주 옮김 July 2008
10 로마제국 쇠망사1 에드워드 기번/ 윤수인, 김희용 옮김 July 2008
9 페르시아 사산제국 정치사 압돌 호세인 자린쿠, 루즈베 자린쿠/ 태일 옮김 April 2011
8 알렉산드로스 원정기 아리아노스/ 박우정 옮김 January 2017
7 페르시아 원정기(아나바시스) 크세노폰/ 천병희 옮김 August 2011
6 살라미스 해전: 세계의 역사를 바꾼 전쟁 배리 스트라우스/ 이순호 역 December 2005
5 마라톤 BC 490: 페르시아 제국의 무패 신화를 깨 뜨린 마라톤 전투 니콜라스 세쿤다/ 정은비 옮김 January 2007
4 페르시아 전쟁: 최초의 동서양 문명 충돌, 지금 의 세계를 만들다 톰 홀랜드/ 이순호 옮김 December 2006
3 역사 헤로도토스/ 천병희 옮김 February 2009
2 키루스의 교육 크세노폰/ 이동수 옮김 September 2015
1 고대 페르시아의 역사: 아케메니드 페르시아·파르티 아 왕조·사산조 페르시아 유흥태 August 2008