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Acta Via Serica

Journal for Silk Road and
Middle Hemisphere Studies

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Manuscripts can be submitted any time during the year. If authors would like to have their articles considered for a particular issue, they should state this in an accompanying e-mail or letter.

Titles of submitted manuscripts will be announced to the editorial board members without revealing the author’s name.

All manuscripts will be evaluated and refereed by three editorial board members, based on their field of specialization.

If a manuscript is submitted which is beyond the expertise of the regular board members, one or more guest referees will be invited to evaluate it.

The referees will report their evaluations to the editor, who makes the final decision on publication.

The referees are encouraged to focus on the originality, creativity, and academic integrity of each manuscript.

Manuscripts will be refereed into three categories: “publishable,” “publishable but requires improvement,” “May be re-evaluated after revision” and “not publishable.” If an article is deemed “not publishable” referees are encouraged to make comments so that the authors can understand the reasons for the rejection.

If an article is deemed “publishable” or “publishable but requires improvement” referees are encouraged to make suggestions, so that authors can revise their manuscripts before resubmission.

If a manuscript is highly recommended to the editorial board, the author can be solicited for submission.

Evaluation time is normally about four months. Authors can make enquiries about the status of the evaluation process if they have not been contacted within four months.

After a manuscript has been approved for publication, editors will notify the authors via e-mail and also instruct on revisions. However, the editors reserve the right to make emendations in matters of style, grammar and romanization without consulting the authors.

Editors will make due efforts to send final proofs to the authors, but given the tight publication deadlines this may not always be possible. Proofs are only sent so that they may be checked for errors; no changes in content can be made at this stage.

All submissions undergo a blind peer review process, and by submitting to the journal, authors are agreeing to accept its outcome. Submitting authors do not have any right to object to or appeal the results of the peer review process.