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Title Invitation for Membership CenSCA
Name 관리자
Date 2017-03-07 13:35:10Hit : 1228
Attached file [1488861310_201703071.docx] 
Invitation for Membership
Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA) at Keimyung Univeristy

The Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA) at Keimyung University is a research organization that runs special research programs on countries in Central Asia and also other countries on the Silk Road in the areas of humanities, arts, social sciences and other related disciplines. The organization conducts numerous additional activities and performances to enhance people’s awareness of the region.
In order to strengthen the center’s research competencies and capabilities, by broadening human capital fundamentals, the center cordially invites you to become a member of CenSCA.
If you wish to join us, please fill out the attached application form and return it to us via fax or email:
(Tel. 053-580-3998 / Fax. 053-580-3999 / Email. censca@kmu.ac.kr)
CenSCA Annual Calendar for 2017
March to December     Thematic Colloquium, Seminar and Workshop
May                                International Conference
June & December          International Journal, Acta Via Serica
July                                Research and Culture Expedition

October                        Silk Road Culture Festival
December                     Research Monographs: Area Studies, Thematic Studies &
                                      Research Information Database

March, 2017
Professor. V.P. Joong Hee LEE
Director, CenSCA