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Title Call for Papers (An International Symposium on the Silk Road 2016)
Name 관리자
Date 2016-07-20 13:35:24Hit : 1985

An International Symposium on the Silk Road



Organized by:

Bahcesehir University Civilization Studies Center
(MEDAM – Istanbul – Republic of Turkey)
Keimyung University Center for Silk Road and Central Asia
(CenSCA – Daegu – Republic of Korea)
TURKSOY International Organization of Turkic Culture
(Ankara – Republic of Turkey)
Gyeongsangbuk-do (Republic of Korea)
Ahmet Yesevi University (Ankara – Republic of Turkey)

Ideas, cultures and products of civilization are closely integrated in a variety of forms in this rapidly globalizing world. At this particular juncture, reviewing historic relationships, social experiences and conflicts in order to find solutions for the problems we face today is the solemn challenge facing contemporary historians, academicians and intellectuals.

In striving to meet this challenge, Bahceşehir University’s Civilization Studies Center (MEDAM), Keimyung University’s Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA), TURKSOY International’s Organization of Turkic Culture, Republic of Korea’s Gyeongsangbuk-do, and Ahmet Yesevi University are organizing an international symposium titled “Interactions of Civilizations along the Silk Road”. This symposium is motivated by the fact that the heritage of humanity on the Silk Road over a thousand years is a crucial source of research, which may provide solutions to contemporary problems.

In this symposium scholars will engage with fellow participants and audience alike by presenting their research outcomes on the dynamics of the interactions amongst civilizations and cultures along the Silk Road. These outcomes may include relevant discoveries, ideas, cities, artists, travel routes, intellectuals, systems of thoughts, and so on. From this perspective we aim to lay down a concise and correct historical groundwork for people to investigate in depth the relationships between the East and the West, thus providing new research opportunities arising from these valuable interactions.  

Within the scope of this symposium there will also be a variety of different activities taking place, ranging from exhibitions of books and paintings to city tours of Istanbul and Cappadocia, in addition to academic presentations and scholarly encounters. It is kindly acknowledged that the symposium and affiliated activities will be generously sponsored by Beyoğlu Municipality, Turkish Airlines (THY), TİKA and Samsung.
The symposium will also be attended on October 21, 2016 by statesmen of the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Korea as well as representatives of NGOs and the presidents of the sponsoring universities. The symposium will last for three days.

Papers presented at the symposium will be published in Turkish, English, and Korean.
You are cordially encouraged to participate in this seminal symposium. If you wish to participate, please submit the title and abstract of your research paper to censca@kmu.ac.kr  by no later than July 29, 2016.

July 29, 2016: Deadline for submitting abstracts
August 5, 2016: Notification of the Accepted Applications
September 15, 2016: Deadline for the submitting full papers

Abstracts should not exceed 500 words.
All travel and accommodation expenses of the invited speakers will be covered by the symposium organizing committee. The symposium will be held in Istanbul, Turkey.


  • Prof. Dr. Nabi AVCI, Minister of the Culture and Tourism of Turkey
  • Prof. Dr. Gjorge IVANOV, President of Macedonia
  • Dr. Kadir TOPBAŞ, Mayor of İstanbul Metropolitan Municipality
  • Dr. KIM Kwan-Yong, Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do
  • Prof. Dr. SYNN Ilhi, President of Keimyung University
  • Enver YÜCEL, Chairman of Board of Trustees Uğur Educational Institutions and Bahçeşehir University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim KALIN, Spokesman of the Presidency
  • Prof. Dr. Dusen KASEINOV, General Secretary of TÜRKSOY
  • İlker AYCI, Chairman of the Executive Board of Turkish Airlines
  • Ahmet Misbah DEMİRCAN, Mayor of Beyoğlu Municipality


  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. İbrahim KALIN, Spokesman of the Presidency
  • Prof. Dr. Musa YILDIZ, Chairman of the Executive Board Gazi University/ Hoca Ahmet Yesevi International Turkish- Kazak University
  • Prof. Dr. SYNN  Ilhi, President of Keimyung University 
  • Prof. Dr. Şenay YALÇIN, Rector of Bahçeşehir University
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmut AK, Rector of İstanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. M. İhsan KARAMAN, Rector of İstanbul Medeniyet University
  • Prof. Dr. Abdellah BOUSSOUF, General Secretary of Council of Moroccan Diaspora
  • Prof. Dr. Aisha Yousef al-MANNAI, Chairman of Center for Muslim Contributions to Civilization, Qatar Faculty, Hamad bin Khalifa University
  • KIM Hyun-Ki, Vice Governor of Gyeongsangbuk-do


  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan KÖROĞLU, President of MEDAM (BAU)
  • Prof. Dr. LEE Joong Hee, Director of Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA) , Vice President for Academic Affairs, Keimyung University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. SEO Jung Soo, Deputy Director of Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA) , Dean of Keimyung Adams College, Keimyung University
  • Prof. Dr. İhsan FAZLIOĞLU, Dean of Faculty of Arts, Medeniyet University
  • Prof. Dr. Aisha Yousef al-MANNAI, Chairman of Center for Muslim Contributions to Civilization, Qatar Faculty, Hamad bin Khalifa University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halit EREN, General Director of the IRCICA
  • Prof. Dr. Fırat PURTAŞ, Assistant Secretary General of TÜRKSOY
  • Prof. Dr. Abderrahim BENHADDA, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hayrettin YÜCESOY, Department of History, Washington University in St Louis
  • Prof. Dr. Numan ARUÇ, Member of Macedonian Academia of Arts and Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. İlhan KUTLUER, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Theology, Marmara University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin YILMAZ, Director of George Mason Global Islamic Studies
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÖZER, Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Medeniyet University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer TÜRKER, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Faculty of Theology, Marmara University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cengiz TOMAR, Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Marmara University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. SYNN Chaeki, Department of Painting, College of Fine Arts, Keimyung University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Cagri ERDEM, Department of International Relations, Keimyung Adams College, Keimyung University
  • Asst. Prof. Eduard DE, International Director of Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA), Keimyung University
  • Assoc. Prof .Dr. Mehmet Akif KİREÇCİ, Bilkent University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences



  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan KÖROĞLU, President of MEDAM
  • Prof. Dr. Fırat PURTAŞ, Assistant Secretary General of TÜRKSOY
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. LEE Nan A, Research Director of Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA), Keimyung University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. HONG Sun Hi, Planning Director of Center for Silk Road and Central Asia (CenSCA), Keimyung University
  • M. Agah KARLIAĞA, Coordinator of the MEDAM
  • Ragıp AKDEMİR, Ahmet Yesevi  University
  • Halil ULUSOY, Ahmet Yesevi  University                      


  • Cem COŞKUN, MEDAM Specialist
  • Erdem GEBEN, MEDAM Specialist
  • Mehmet KARA, MEDAM Researcher
  • Arzu SOMALI, MEDAM Research Assistant
  • Sema ÜSTÜN, Boğaziçi University Research Assistant

Keimyung University Center for Silk Road and Central Asia, 1095 Dalgubeol-dearo,
Tel: +82 (0)53 580 3998 Fax: +82 (0)53 580 3999 e-mail: censca@kmu.ac.kr